Step 1: Shave the areas you will be treating.
Step 2: Make sure the areas you will be treating are clean and free from oils, lotions and deodorants.
Step 3: Make sure the glass on the device is clean.
Step 4: Turn the device on with the button on the back. The green light will turn on on the back, and one blue light will turn on in the front. Adjust the intensity according to the area you will be treating.
Step 5: Make contact with the device to your skin. A pink light will turn indicating the device is ready and in the proper position. Press the large front button to activate the IPL.
Step 6: Repeat through all areas you will be treating. This should take an average of 45 minutes.
PRO TIPS: 1. Use the device once a week for the first 12 weeks, then once every 2 months for maintenance. 2. Avoid direct sunlight and tanning beds before, during and after treatments (for 4 weeks). Always apply sunscreen. Keep skin moisturized after treatments. As with all laser and IPL treatments, we do not recommend use on darker skintones.